Friday 19 October 2007

Firsts Days

How many firsts days have we had?
First at life, first at home, first in new city, first at school. You only get one of each.
So, welcome to DAY UNO of my breathtaking blog. Rollercoaster letters is what I feed; I accept rewards of music and useless facts. RAWR.
Can you remember any first days?
First Day Ever: Came out of my mother’s vagina today. IT WAS NOT FUN.
First Day in a New House: Boxes, the smell of dust. Ask mum if you can help decorate, crayons in hand. Beds were late, the whole family had to sleep in the same room on self-made cots. Night was filled with dreams of hidden passages and new neighbours.
First Day in a New City: Life sucks again, but there is exhilaration beyond the wall of memories that seem to make up most of your world now. Every street is a stranger, every tree new to climb.
First Day at School: Snot in nose, tears on mum’s sleeve. What do they mean stay here!? HERE!? IN THE PLACE WITH THE DOOR DECORATED WITH THE BEAR SAYING; HAVE A BEARY NICE DAY!?!?

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